Of posters and memes

9.45 AM Mr.V is sitting at his desk pretending to be busy at work but actually listening to his own audio voice notes and self-declaring that he has an impeccable humor sense

The little one is pulling my hair with one hand and hurling his new toys at Mr.V with the other. And off he he goes along to play with the "tag" on my wedge pillow. 

Lesson learnt: No number of new toys are gonna engage Baby N for more than five minutes. If there's anything that does the trick it's the trivial things like the cap of your flask. Oh, and of course how can we miss lids and wooden spoons?!

Ok, back to me!

I've been meaning to upload this post for the longest time possible but honestly kept putting it off.

Poster/meme making was something I loved doing during my job hunt days. I used to create a bunch of them daily and plant them in the most sheltered place ever in the world - yes, the 'drafts' folder. of my blog. I've rediscovered the love for poster creation in the last few weeks or so. 

Presenting you some of the latest Covid season ones created by yours truly.

 What do you think of these? Let me know!


  1. Very nice! I liked the boredom one and the mask one

  2. Sooo good. Loved all posters

  3. Brilliant. Loved all of em 😍😍 can't wait to see more posters

  4. ��������

  5. Excellent....humour coated truth and facts.....staggering reality... loved the posters...


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